
Directed by: Marc Price

Starring: Phoebe Sparrow, Daisy Aitkens, Simon Dwyer-Thomas

A squadron of rookie pilots and gunners jump out of hyperspace into the midst of a disastrous battle. Adler and her gunner Yaren are shot down over a desolate planet. With Yaren mortally wounded and their fleet speeding away in retreat, it looks like all hope is lost, and then an enemy craft also crash-lands…

When I originally saw the dvd cover for DUNE DRIFTER, I inwardly groaned, thinking that this was going to be a cash-in on the upcoming remake of Dune. However when I noticed that Marc Price was the director, I perked up a bit. Marc Is responsible for my favourite film of 2018, NIGHTSHOOTERS, so I was immediately curious to see his follow-up even if it was some sort of cash-in.

As things turn out, I was completely wrong. This isn't some sort of mockbuster but another entry into the sub-genre of Robinson Crusoe in Space movies, such as Enemy Mine and Sandy Corrola's Hunter-Prey.


Regular readers will be aware of my annoyance at films which start in-media res. This film, it has to be said, starts with one of the most pointless examples as it starts 30 seconds from the actual beginning, showing us part of the battle before jumping back to introduce us to the rookie pilots still in hyperspace. Their orders are to sit on the sidelines to hem in the enemy but when they arrive they are dismayed to see that they are losing to the superior alien enemy. The dialogue for this scene is really good and the way it is edited helps build the excitement to the moment they drop out of hyperspace and into the battle.

 The special effects work for the whole battle is really good. It's filmed in a similar way to Battlestar Galactica, showing things occurring at a distance to give the whole battle depth. The fighter ships are really well done - they have a real, "lived in" feel to them.


The surface of the planet Adler and Yaren crash on is very unhospitable, a barren wasteland beset with high winds and an atmosphere which burns exposed skin. The production was filmed on location in Iceland which really lends itself to beautiful yet bleak alien landscapes.

The performances are really good, especially when considering that for the bulk of Phoebe Sparrow's scenes she is having to wear her space helmet to survive. One particular scene stands out when she is trying to contact the fleet, still in battle overhead. She hears through the radio that they are preparing to jump to hyperspace, and as she watches the tiny dots of light overhead disappear Sparrow is able to perfectly convey that moment of helplessness and abandonment. She also is able to keep Adler relatable by her complaints about her hair getting in the way of her visor and promising herself to shave her head when she gets home. A small goal in the scheme of things but a relatable and practical one.


Adler's only hope for escape is to fix her spacecraft, which is needs a replacement part - one which she might find on the crashed alien ship. This puts her in direct contact with the alien antagonists. These aliens also find the planet surface inhospitable and remain hidden behind their face-masks for the whole film, and their language remains alien to both us and Adler. Actions speak louder than words, however and we find that these alien soldiers like to take trophies from their battles.

There are a few moments where the camera goes into shaky-cam mode of which I am not a fan. However, the short fight scenes are handled really well. The aliens tower over Adler and she is wearing her bulky spacesuit but the choreography is done so well to really sell the idea that Adler might find a way to overcome the odds.



Whilst the story itself isn't particularly original, the execution of it is close to perfect. The setting, the various props (especially loved the virtual emergency tent), the various challenges facing Adler all come together to deliver a very solid sci-fi action movie. Now if only someone can explain why its called Dune Drifter when there isn’t a dune in sight…

8 out of 10 - RECOMMENDED
